On August 10, 2017, TTTC by Ms. Anujtha Jaovisidha, General Manager and Mr. Sutin Rujiwanichkul, Acting General Manager of Corporate Planning Dept. as well as Ms. Kanchan Rattanamalakul, the representative from TTAST have joined the special donation program for flood victims relief in the Northern and Northeast of Thailand. The donated amount Baht100,000.- has been passed to Dr. Somchai Harnhiran, the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Industry under the theme “ Civil Society United under the Umbrella ”
The donation will go to those flood victims for an emergency relief until they can recover to normal situation. The government will also have a long term planning for preventive action in the future.
Donation Ceremony at Ministry of Industry (Left) The representative from TTAST, Ms. Kanchan Rattanamalakul, Mr. Sutin Rujiwanichkul, AGM, Ms. Anujtha Jaovisidha, GM, the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Industry : Dr. Somchai Harnhiran and the representative from Ministry of Industry
Dr. Somchai Harnhiran, the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Industry with representatives from MOI and private sectors have donated through the Prime Minister Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha at Santi Maitri Building, Thai Government House.