Flare collaborated with Toyota Tsusho (Thailand) to launch a mobile advertising business


On April 23, 2019, Toyota Tsusho (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and Flare (Thailand) Co., Ltd. held a press conference to launch a mobile advertising business under the concept "wrap drive make money" by apply with mobile technology. Nowadays, online is becoming increasingly important for our life. Flare is first evaluation and real-time tracking application in Thai market.

The press conference has been honored by Mr. Kazuki Kamiya, the founder of Flare (Thailand) and Mr. Kiyoyoshi Oba, President of Toyota Tsusho (Thailand).

Flare (Thailand) entered mobile advertising business in 2017, with more than 15,000 car owners interested in becoming a member as it answers the needs of car owners who prefer to earn extra income. Advertisers can select the media following their product and target customers to be more efficient. Key differentiation point of Flare application is able to track and follow the number of people accessing ads in real time, which is the first time in Thailand that the tool is available. This would be perfectly serve the needs of Thai advertisers who are looking for effective and traceable advertising tool. Flare and partnership with Toyota Tsusho (Thailand) Co., Ltd. press conference launching campaign together.

Even though traffic congestion in Bangkok participating the business with Flare (Thailand) would change the feeling of waste time on the road to earning income while getting struck with traffic by using mobile advertising tool.

Advertisers who using mobile advertising with Flare (Thailand) will get full benefit of this service, as apart from being a mobile advertising tool which is able to select target customer, advertising effectiveness can also be measured through real-time tracking system on application. They can also select their preferred vehicles as well as location of the ad.

Car Owners who interested in participating of Flare (Thailand) Co., Ltd. can download and register via Flare application both IOS and Android which income depends on the speed of vehicle, the location that drives regularly and driving time.

For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/flare.runTH, www.flare.run or call 02-102-1578